Men, women and children behold, for I am Lucifer, and this is my word, in the name of the most excellent, I bring to thee light in reason. Set aside thy troubles and settle, and with serenity all about thee, let my waters flow through thee. . .
The family archetype provides us with one of the most valuable commodities in any society and that includes a 'hard line' right wing capitalist society if there ever existed such a thing, and the most staunch left wing of communist regimes. Whilst there are a variety of different functional family descriptions all functional families have something worthwhile in common with each other, as do all dysfunctional families in actual fact. Where society does not recognise the value of the family archetype society has lost its roots and becomes superficial, pretentious and unhealthy. Life is real, the world is real it is our calling as humans to live real lives which we do in majority but true happiness will not likely be found if we live outside of ourselves all of the time. The family archetype has such a powerful seduction that I would describe it as being the eternal flame of humanity the flame thatpsychological warfare and technology will never be able put out. Whether or not the future will seek to weaken the family archetype history has bestowed it with almighty power it will not be the prerogative of individuals no matter how influential to decide the fate of family life only as a natural course will family life be susceptible to definite change; a penny for your thoughts in a well of unimaginable wealth being a succinct analogy. Only the most unfortunate of developments would be capable of posing an immediate challenge to thesupremacy of such an archetype as the family, war for instance (which may not in all events be stupid or ignorant), severe oppression and one might add intelligence when it is grounded in experiences. Of course there are other situations where an individual may be content without family (for no adverse reason), the ascetic life being a good example, however the family archetype is still working its magic and facilitates such a life. Such a life is perhaps in fulfillment of archetypes which are less the province of antiquity. Whilst on every account it would be advisable for a family to be functional as I have already said evendysfunctional families have worthwhile characteristics in common, certainly notcharacteristics which might be described as depraved, but blessings which pave the way for contentment if one is able to collect from the opportunities in life that ones true eyesight provides.
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