Wednesday 5 October 2011


The term adoption is a very generalized term. There are actually half a dozen different types of adoptions. If you are unfamiliar with the process of adoption it is a good idea to learn about the different types of adoptions are out there. Each adoption process while slightly different all works to bring a child into your life.
Here are the different types of adoptions that are out there and a little bit about them.
Independent Adoptions. Independent adoptions are usually involved when both sides do not want an adoption agency to be involved with the adoption process. Both birth parents and adoptive parents agree to the terms and usually have a lawyer that helps with the legal process. In most cases independent adoptions have been prearranged between two parties who already know each other in advance. At the moment, three states do not allow independent adoptions so if you are considering this type of adoption you might want to check your state’s laws.
Agency Adoption. This is the most traditional type of adoption and involves all parties going through an agency. The agency will set up the birth parents with a couple wishing to adopt. There are private and public agencies that handle adoptions.
Open Adoption. This can be available in both agency or independent adoptions and involves the adoptive parents being involved in the birth mother’s pregnancy. Open adoptions can also be a term where the adoptive parents allow the birth parents to have occasional contact with the child after the birth.
Stepparent Adoption. This is the adoption of a spouse’s child from a previous relationship. Under stepparent adoption the process is quicker and a lot less troublesome. California recently passed a law that allowed same sex partners to adopt a partner’s child under this form of adoption.

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